EPA | Code Zealot

Browsing the archives for the EPA tag

Algorithmic and Architectural Gaming Design: Implementation and Development

in Collision Detection, Game Development

Algorithmic and Architectural Gaming Design: Implementation and Development covers a myriad of game development topics. But what sets this book apart, in my opinion, is the focus on actual implementation. Of course I’m a bit biased since I was privileged to write the chapter Collision Detection Using the GJK Algorithm (chapter 11). The chapter is […]


Contact Points Using Clipping

in Collision Detection, Game Development, Physics

Many have asked “How do I get the contact points from GJK?” or similar on the SAT, GJK, and EPA posts. I’ve finally got around to creating a post on this topic. Contact point generation is a vital piece of many applications and is usually the next step after collision detection. Generating good contact points […]


EPA (Expanding Polytope Algorithm)

in Collision Detection, Game Development

In the last few posts we learned about using GJK for collision detection, distance between shapes, and finding the closest points. It was stated that GJK must be augmented, to find collision information like the penetration depth and vector, with another algorithm. One such algorithm is EPA. I plan to cover the EPA algorithm and […]